The City of San José will resurface our neighborhood streets in November 2023.
The City has contracted with third-party contractor MCK Services to resurface our streets to extend their service life and improve ride quality.
Work Performed So Far
- ADA curb ramps have been installed to remove edges at the curb for mobility devices
- Spray paint markings have been made to record site surveys for construction and to mark utilities
- Public trees have been pruned to provide sufficient clearance for paving equipment and construction vehicles
- Utility boxes and covers have been removed and covered with asphalt
Paving is expected to begin Thursday, November 16 and will take place until Monday, November 27. This schedule may change due to weather.

There is currently rain forecast for our neighborhood around the start date. According to Kwasi Owusu-Sekyere at the San Jose Transportation Department, “rain will possibly slow down construction depending on how much we receive during the week. However, the contractor makes it a priority to catch up on the schedule as quickly as possible.”
Residents will receive a final notice 48-72 hours before paving begins.
The latest information about the pavement improvement start date is available on the City’s Pavement Project tracker. Select “2023 Paving” to see a map of all streets selected for improvement in 2023. Select our neighborhood’s streets to see the current start and end date for pavement work.
What will happen on Paving Days?
Paving will take place starting Thursday, November 16 until Monday, November 27 weather permitting.
- Areas to be paved will have no parking signs posted 48 hours before construction — do not park on the street at the times posted.
- Streets may be limited to local traffic only.
- Residents may drive through the streets during construction with the guidance of flaggers until fresh asphalt is placed.
- When fresh asphalt is laid on a street, the street will close for 2-5 hours. Fresh asphalt is very hot. Damage to the roadway and vehicles will occur if a vehicle travels over fresh asphalt.
Trash collection on Mondays during paving
Trash collection may occur earlier in the day before paving operations on Mondays. Leave trash bins out Sunday night for potential early pick up. If paving operations do not allow for pick up for your home, call 408-535-3500 to schedule trash collection.
What Happens After Paving?
After paving is complete, additional work will take place over the next 3 weeks after paving is complete.
- Traffic striping and markings will be reinstalled.
- Utility boxes and covers will be re-exposed and adjusted to grade as needed.
- Low to no impact expected.
Are other neighborhoods being improved?
In 2023, the City will pave 236 miles of streets. This includes 75 miles of major streets and 161 miles of local and neighborhood streets.
By 2028, the City will repave all 1,552 miles of local and neighborhood streets. That’s like repaving a two-lane road from here to Dallas!
The latest information about pavement improvements is available on the City’s Pavement Project tracker. Select “2023 Paving” to see a map of all streets selected for improvement in 2023.
How is this improvement funded?
This program is supported by the City of San José 2018 Measure T and Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) 2016 Measure B.
Contact MCK Services by phone at 925-957-9200 during workdays from 7am to 5pm.
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